About Us
Welcome to Daniel, "Cody" and "Jack's" Massachusetts Dog Friendly Parks Webpage dedicated to Sharing and Informing other Massachusetts Dog Owners of all the places they can explore with thier favorite Canine! Enjoy this site, and please leave feedback of your Parks, Lodgings, Dog-Friendly Shopping areas, as well as area shelters and services to benefit the Pooches of Massachusetts and surrounding areas.
We are taking Photo submissions of your Dog in thier favorite places, and featuring them on each park that is submitted, so please feel free to go to our Contact/Submit Parks page for more info on that and to submit your pup. We are also accepting any events of interest from Non Profit Organizations to put into our Community Page. Feel free to contact me at Danield@MADogFriendlyParks.com with your event and /or a flyer for me to post for you. (For everyone else with events, we will postt hem to our Calendar page Free of charge for all to see.)
Thanks for browsing and participating in our Massachusetts Dog Friendly Parks Site!
Dan "Cody" & "Jack"
History of project
In this part you can describe the project's history and give reasons for its creation. It is convinient to mention project milestones and honor participating people.
Our users
Here you can describe a typical user and why this project is important to them. It is good to motivate your visitors so that they come back to your website.